A remarkably soft and tender vodka, made on the basis of the alcohol “Lux” with addition of vitamin C, rosehip extract and crystal-clear water. Not only does the nutritional supplement soften its taste, but it also decreases the alcoholic intoxication and improves the defensive functions of the organism. Drinking such vodka is pure pleasure!
Drinking water, rectified ethyl alcohol from food raw materials “Lux”, sugar, food additive “Vodeplan” carbohydrate module, dry rosehip extract.
glass bottle 0,5L
glass bottle 0,25L
Box from corrugated cardboard, Bottle 0,5 – 20 pieces, 0.25 – 20 pieces
Dimensions: 0,5 l – 348x279x304, 0,25 – 297x238x226
Kostroma is famous for it’s rich history. It was here, in the Mansion of Shelykovo a playwriter Alexander Ostrovsky gave a new life to a legend about a Slav goddess Kostroma, turning her into a beautiful woman from snow named Snegurochka. To add culinary accompanying emphasis to this vodka normally Russian traditional food is offered. First of all, it goes well with meat, meat-flour snacks and pancakes. It is presented in a decorative bottle with an image of an ancient Russian headdress – kokoshnika of a snow beauty Snegurochka.