Full name | KLVZ, Limited Liability Company |
Shortened name | LLC «KLVZ» |
Legal / actual / postal address | 156000, Kostroma Region, Kostroma. St. Lenin 14 |
Phone number / Fax | +7 (4942) 46-18-00; +7 (4942) 62-42-00 |
info@alco-mart.com | |
EGAIS code | ФС РАР ИД ООО “КЛВЗ” 010060695226 |
OGRN | 1164401059382 |
INN/KPP | 4401175622 / 440101001 |
Bank payment details | |
OKPO | 04970215 |
OKATO | 34401000000 |
OKTMO | 34701000001 |
OKOGU | 4210014 |
OKFS | 16 |
OKOPF | 12300 |
Managing organization | LLC «Energomart» INN 5260364143 |
Managing director | Gerasimenko Egor Sergeevich, acting on the basis of power of attorney №7/18-KLVZ от 01.01.2018г. |
Licence | № 44ПСН0007052 Valid from September 29, 2017. till September 28, 2022., issued by the Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation |
Official information | Certificate of conformity; declaration of conformity |